State-Of-The-Art Laser Light Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy Advantage

Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure, meaning that it does not require a surgical incision. This means there is no prolonged recoevery time.

Cold laser therapy is a one option among a variety of treatment approaches that can potentially proivde pain relief, pain reduction, decreased inflammation and speedier healing.

Laser therapy can be used alone or in combination with a number of other therapies. Visit us now for more details.

Advanced Laser Light Therapy

Laser light therapy will help reduce pain and improve mobility in pets and is ideal for:
  • Arthritic patients
  • Post-surgery healing
  • Pain management
  • Inflammation and swelling reduction
  • Pain-free laser light therapy
Get in touch with us
now to schedule an appointment or to ask 
FREE over-the-phone
pet questions!


Laser light therapy is comfortable
when compared to conventional
methods and it has provided
excellent success
and healing for many patients. Visit
 The Visiting Veterinarian now.
Schedule your pet's laser
therapy today!

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